School Life

To encourage students' participation and artistic developments, the school organises activities such as discussion forums, creative lectures, artists-in-residence programmes, and overseas studies aside from regular classes. 


The school places great importance on whole-person development. We hope that students can get along with each other in sincerity, aside from building trust and a sense of belonging. This helps one grow, learn, care about others and the world beyond one's classroom, and pursue a life in dignity and joy. Constantly foregrounding students' needs and teacher-student rapport, the school will continue with small class size and a "mentorship" system. This caters for students' needs and promotes home-school cooperation. Different from the teacher-student relationship in mainstream schools, the core of "mentorship" is that teachers and students are to build mutual trust and a diverse learning environment for mutual growth.


The school hopes to provide students with equal opportunities and encourage them to actively participate in and develop artistic and cultural activities. Therefore, we provide different types of scholarships to recognize and encourage outstanding students. We also provide assistance to students in need. If students wish to apply for any scholarships and bursaries, they can contact their mentors and/or the teacher-in-charge for scholarship matters. Further details on scholarships and bursaries will be announced in school.


The school currently provides the following scholarships to students:

• 鵬程創意獎學金 Bright Future Creativity Scholarship

• 宏愛獎學金 Chung's Scholarship

• 造夢獎學金 Future Education in Action Student Initiated Fund

• 劉麗儀獎學金 Lau's Scholarship

• 許李嚴建築師奬學金 Hui Lee Yim Architects Scholarship

• 徐悲鴻國際基金會獎學金 Xu Beihong Charitable Fund Scholarship

• 靳劉高設計獎學金 KL&K Design Scholarship


• 賽馬會全方位學習基金 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Life Learning Fund


The school also recommends students to apply for scholarships by other parties. Apart from that, the school provides bursaries for students to participate in various arts and cultural workshops, summer camps, overseas exchange groups and other activities. Further details on scholarships and bursaries will be announced in school.



"I hope you can cherish everything in school and become a better human being."

Madam WONG Ada Ying Kay, JP Supervisor





Venue facilities include:


G/F | Multi-media Theatre / The Creative Promenade / Screening Room / Gallery / Music Room

1/F | Small Theatre / Conference Room / Critic Room  / Visual Arts Room / Computer Lab /
Film and Digital Arts Room / Maker Lab / Food Lab /Science and Technology Lab / Fabric Lab 

2/F | Library / Basketball Court

3/F–5/F | Classrooms

Arts and Culture Centre


In addition to educational purposes, our school's Art and Culture Centre (AC Centre) is an interdisciplinary arts experiment site that embraces diverse values and meets the different needs in Hong Kong. We hope to:


• provide flexible hardware and supporting facilities for contemporary multi-media arts creation,

• establish a platform for artists to create and publish for the promotion and the development of Hong Kong arts, and

• break down the barrier between the arts and the public by instilling the arts in different social strata and communities.

National Education

National security means a status in which the regime, sovereignty, unity, territorial integrity, welfare of the people, sustainable economic and social development, and other major interests of the state are relatively not faced with any danger and not threatened internally or externally, and the capability to maintain a sustained security status.


The school promotes national security education through classroom teaching in various subjects and all-round learning activities. This is to enhance students' understanding of the rule of law and national affairs, thus the importance of safeguarding national security and one's sense of national identity. In addition to national security, relevant content also helps students learn about the national affairs, which strengthens their understanding of the country's history, culture and latest developments, and deepens their understanding of the Constitution and the Basic Law.


The school holds a flag-raising ceremony on Tuesday mornings. All teachers and students are required to participate. In addition, the college has organized a student flag-raising team to facilitate the flag-raising ceremony.


In order to provide quality national security education, the school has also updated teachers' code of conduct and evaluation mechanism by adding national security requirements. This is to ensure that neutral and law-abiding teachers will create a peaceful and orderly campus for students. The school stresses that every stakeholder must be law-abiding. The school will strengthen relevant education to prevent students from casual violation.

135 Junction Road, Kowloon City
2180 9595
2180 9540
"Diploma in Creative Arts" is graded as Lv 3
with registration no. 14/002987/L3
valid from 1/9/2014 to 31/8/2026